Sold Data Search Experience 9-20-17


Our consumer team has enabled Sold Data for your consumer website search. This update can be found under the “Type” tab in the search menu. There is now a new checkbox labeled “Sold” checking this box will add recently sold (90 days) properties to the consumer’s search results. This is available by all search types.

Important notes:

  1. This functionality is tied to Sold Data in the CRM. If you have disabled all sold data for e-alerts you will not see this feature on your sites.
  2. Sold Data is provided where available. Please refer to your MLS to check if you have access to sold data in your market. If your MLS provides data, and you are not seeing this feature please contact we can help look into your specific MLS requirements.  This must be requested by the BoomTown Platform Owner.
  3. Not auto-enabled. This feature will only display if/when a consumer checks the “Sold” box they will not by default see any sold data displayed in their search.