Bulk Text 4-2-18

Bulk Text is here! Now it’s easy to get more follow-up or prospecting done in less time. We’ve introduced Bulk Texting as a way for agents to be able to text a segment of leads quickly.



How It Works

This feature can be found in your Lead Central dashboard. Simply select the leads you wish to text, and click the “text” button at the top above the lead list. You’ll be prompted to choose an existing template or create a new message from scratch. Click send, and be ready to get responses!


  • How many texts can I send?
    • There is a limit of 200 texts per agent, per day.
  • Why 200?
    • This limitation gives consideration for protection against spam, efficient delivery times, and protection from user errors to ensure the ability to send texts is preserved for the number.
  • How do I track my messages left?
    • As your 200 daily allowance is used you’ll be reminded when completing additional sends. For example if you’ve sent 150 messages, and try to bulk another 100; a warning will be given to indicate you’ll need to uncheck 50 in order to send the message.
  • What happens with leads that have an invalid phone or do not call status?
    • We’ll automatically skip over these numbers, and alert you to how many have been skipped before a send occurs. These will not count against your 200.
  • Reporting?
    • After each bulk send check your email for a summary with deliverability, and response rate.
  • Can Admins restrict access?
    • Yes, admins have control over who can use bulk texting. This can be turned on/off in the boomtown number settings page. (under profile > integrations > BT Number)
    • Agent profiles do NOT have access to this feature.

Best Practices

How should Bulk Text be utilized? A good rule of thumb is to think of this feature as a time saving tool, and not a mass communication device.

  • Good Practice: Create a segment of nurture leads that have been on the website in the last 24 hours. Try “Hi Name, I just wanted to touch base with you on your home search. Have you heard the news about rising rates?”
  • Bad Practice: Select 200 leads at random. “Happy Mothers Day!”

Remember that texting is a highly effective, and powerful communication tool. Be prepared to get peoples attention, and responses larger percentage of your sends than a typical email. If all 200 replied could you handle that many conversations? Consider this before sending out a large batch.