Enhanced and Expanded Buyer Advertising Report

We’ve enhanced and expanded the Buyer Advertising Report in your CRM! In addition to the same great advertising reporting for previous months, you’re now able to track how your advertising is going for the current month as well.

This means you’re able to track your performance, quickly see how things are pacing, and make educated and savvy decisions on any advertising updates without picking up the phone!

Note: This is from a sample account and in no way reflects accurate CPL, lead volume, etc.

With this update, customers who have an active advertising budget with BoomTown can view the following for the current month:

  • Current Month Budget
  • Current Month Spend
  • Current Month Leads Registered
  • Target Property Types
  • Target Areas

Did you know? BoomTown is a Google Preferred Partner and one of the only real estate CRMs to be a Meta Business Partner!

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